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"...I have always been interested in the human fate - carrying souls as free as birds we inhabit a world entirely subjected to the shape. Fashion design is my personal choice as a possible solution to this "transcendental" dilemma. To unfold the shape, to explore it, to teach it to be free so that it reaches the moment of acquiring its own spirituality - this for me is the essence of the creative process.
In this sense, my professional development builds upon the idea of symbiosis between shape and individuality. I strive to liberalize the design and fabric, to free them from the orthodox definition of garment in order to transform them into a piece of art in itself."
Ladies' couturier Mirella's clothes are hand-made in her Sofia, Bulgaria, studio. A trained ecologist with interests in painting, interior, and textile design, Mirella's personal experiences prompt her collections. Journeys, films, books, music, or encounters with exciting people all charge her creative batteries.
For years, Mirella has worked with hand-crafted fabrics which lend uniqueness to each creation. Believing that every item of attire should reinforce its wearer’s personality, Mirella has fashioned materials that imbue garments with individuality. Then again, this may reflect the care taken in manufacture, or the anticipation of rounding-off the person who buys them.